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 Campushopper Blogs - Blogcasting - Help

What is Blogcasting?
Blogcasting is the broadcasting of a blog entry to a central area for all users to read easily. Just check the Blogcast It! box when you make a new blog entry and that entry will appear on the Blogcasts Page. Blogcasting is a great way to draw attention to your blog and to receive feedback (comments) from more than just users who visit your blog directly.
See the Latest Blogcasts From Your School.

How do I Blogcast a blog entry?
It's easy to Blogcast an entry. Just put a check in the Blogcast It! box underneath the post area of the 'Start a New Blog Entry' page. This page is accessed by clicking the 'Start a New Blog Entry' link just above the entries on your blog page.

Can I Blogcast an existing blog entry?
Yes. To Blogcast an existing entry, go to the 'Edit Blog Entry' page by clicking on the 'edit' link at the top of the entry across from the date. Put a check in the box next to 'Blogcast It!' underneath the post and press the 'Submit' button. However, keep in mind that your entry will appear on the Blogcasts Page according to its date. So, an old entry may not appear on the Blogcasts Page if it is not one of the last thirty Blogcasts made by users at your school.

I can't see my blog entry on the Blogcasts Page?
Did you just Blogcast an existing blog entry? How old is it? The newest blog entries appear first on the Blogcasts page. So, if you Blogcast an old entry, it may not be one of the last thirty Blogcasts made by users at your school. Browse through the entries on the Blogcasts page. What is the date of the oldest entry? Is your entry's date newer? If so, then it should be there.

If the above reason is not the case, then your Blogcast has likely been removed by one of our Blogcast moderators due to inappropriate content. This includes but is not limited to, advertising of any kind, slander, comments degrading to another user, etc.

How do I stop Blogcasting an entry?
To stop Blogcasting an existing blog entry, go to the 'Edit Blog Entry' page by clicking on the 'edit' link at the top of the entry across from its date. Put a check in the box underneath the post, next to the phrase "Stop Blogcasting this Entry." Press the 'Submit' button.

Why should I Blogcast my blog entry?
Blogcasting is a great way to draw attention to your blog and to receive feedback (comments) from more than just users who visit your blog directly.

When should I Blogcast an entry?
Blogcast blog entries you feel that everyone at your school would enjoy reading. Or, if you need a lot of feedback on a topic, try Blogcasting it. Typical types of entries that people Blogcast include hot news, valuable campus info., funny jokes, hilarious stories, movie reviews, firm opinions, etc.