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 Campushopper Blogs - Creating a Blog - Help

What is a blog?
A blog is your personal web site. It is an online journal where you can post your thoughts and interact with other students. Visitors to your blog are able to respond to each blog entry that you make by leaving you comments. You are also able to leave comments in their blogs. To learn more about what a blog is, click here to take a quick tour.

Where do I go to create my blog?
To create your blog, click the 'My Blog' tab near the top of the page (in the header bar). This tab will just read 'Blog' if you are not logged in. You will be taken to the main page of Campushopper Blogs. When you are ready to create your blog, click on the 'Create Your Blog Now' arrow just above the middle of the page. If you want to first learn more about what a blog is, click the 'Take a Quick Tour' button just underneath and to the left of the arrow, or
click here.

How do I choose a blog template?
When you first create your blog, choosing a blog template is the initial step. Simply select the template you want, and then click the 'Continue' arrow at the bottom right. You can also preview each template by clicking on the 'preview' link across from the template's name. The 'Custom Template' ('Customize' option) cannot be previewed since it is created later (in the final step, if chosen). Remember, you will always be able to edit your blog template selection later.

To change your template selection after your blog has already been created, simply click the 'Edit Blog Properties' link (under your blog's title and description).

Do I have to make a first post (blog entry) when I create my blog?
The final step in creating your blog (unless you choose to customize your blog template) is to write a 'First Post' that will appear as the initial entry in your blog. This step is optional. You do not have to make a first post. If you want to write your first blog entry at a later time, leave the 'Title' and 'Post' fields blank and click 'Submit'.

How do I change my blog's title and description?
To change your blog's title and/or description after your blog has been created, click the 'Edit Blog Properties' link (under your blog's title and description). On the 'Edit Blog Properties' page, click the 'Edit' button across from the field that you wish to edit.

Note: By default your blog's title will be Name's Blog where 'Name' is your first name.

How do I deactivate my blog?
If you no longer want your blog to be active on Campushopper, click the 'Edit Blog Properties' link (under your blog's title and description). On the 'Edit Blog Properties' page, click the 'delete blog' link in the top right corner of the 'Edit Blog Properties' box. Confirm the deactivation of your blog by clicking 'OK' in the popup.

Note: Deactivating your blog "pulls the plug" to it's online access. It can no longer be reached by internet users, search engines, etc. It is only stored on our servers for recovery purposes.

How do I reactivate my blog?
At some point, you may want to reactivate your Campushopper Blog after previously deactivating it. To reactivate your blog, make sure that you are logged into Campushopper and click the 'My Blog' tab near the top of the page. You'll see a screen telling you "Your blog is currently set to inactive." Click the 'Reactivate My Blog' link on the left. You'll be taken to your blog, which has now been reactivated.

Note: Reactivating your blog plugs your blog back into the web. Online access to your blog is restored.